At the start of the day, after breakfast at home, we took the quaint train/tram from the city centre to the Chocolate Museum. A museum for chocolate? Reminds me of Roald Dahl's '
Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory'.
The quaint train that takes you to the Choc Museum (CNB 2014) |
It was truly remarkable, this Lindt Chocolate Museum. There is the history of chocolate from the time it was discovered to how its now processed into yummylicious chocolate in every form. A must visit for every chocolate aficionado. You also get to sample chocolate covered wafers straight from the chocolate fountain. Everyone goes for seconds!
Awaiting wafers dipped in yummy chocolate (CNB 2014) |
A & an antique chocolate bar vending machine
that still works! Just put in 1 Euro. (CNB 2014) |
In the city centre once again we browsed the streets turned pedestrian walkways. There were many buskers and they usually had attentive audiences who were generous. We stepped into the department store of Galeria Kaufhof and found it having a sale. But we did not really find anything we liked, and they did not have Black Forest cuckoo clocks which we were interested in.
Galeria Kaufhof (CNB 2014) |
In the evening, Tahereh cooked a sumptuous dinner of my favourite
Estamboli or
Lubia Polo, which we ate before going out much later to the Apadana Club/Restaurant - where the Persian community of Koln congregate to enjoy good food and dance the night away.
Tahereh's delectable estamboli (CNB 2014) |
Good food and hand dancing at the Apadana (AB 2014) |
Cologne/Koln 6-9 Feb 2014
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