Flora naturally attract fauna of all kinds, even in the urban garden. The usual ones will be bees, butterflies, moths, dragonflies, squirrels, lizards, milipedes, ants, flies and birds of all kinds. I have tried to capture (in pictures, not literally) the fauna that have visited my little garden and was succesful, sometimes. The squirrels and birds that come to feast on the ripe berries of the straits rhododendron are quite difficult to take snapshots of. So also the colourful butterflies and bees that visit the flowers. It took a lot of patience and a lot more luck (that these flighty insects/creatures chose to settle a while) to enable my 'freezing the moments'.
The butterfly that 'settled' on a torch ginger leaf (CNB 2011) |
A rare dragon fly appearance on a frangipani tree (CNB 2011) |
A caterpillar feasting on a desert rose leaf (CNB 2011) |
The caterpillar above was one of three that ravaged the desert rose plant, stripping all its leaves. That done, they transferred themselves to another plant, the periwinkle, not so close by. (I don't know how they did it, but they did.) They grew quite huge, and then they were gone. I do not know where they spent the next phase of their lives. I only hope they did not end up as bird food!
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