Someone among us said that we are no longer 'golden' (50) but really we are 'diamonds' (60)! Okay, brilliant! Aren't diamonds every girls' best friends? So we 'diamond girls' had a get-together on the 2nd of January at the
Glenmarie Golf & Country Club to celebrate our friendship of 47 years (beginning in 1964 in TKC Seremban), and the new year 2012 too.
'Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art in continue firm and constant' - Socrates
The 'diamond girls' at Glenmarie GCC (2012) |
In all there were 24 of us that day, some I have met up with often at previous get-togethers, but two I had not met since leaving school! This 'reunion' was special because our astrophysicist friend Ling, was home from Vienna for the holidays with her family. In fact she was the one who initiated this get-together. Thank you, Ling!
So what did we do together? We caught up with what everyone was doing, ate a late lunch, had a karaoke session (our songs? Evergreens/60's of course) and danced. Then we said our good-byes and promised to meet up again and keep in touch always.
Ling and I (RJ 2012) |
Rody, Nik Mun, Min (CNB 2012) |
Zawiah, Rosmah, Amah (CNB 2012) |
Rashidah, Narim, Siti (CNB 2012) |
Ju, Fad (CNB 2012) |
Ina, Rosmah, Sab, Ling (CNB 2012) |
Shahid, Tiffy, Siti (CNB 2012) |
Norsiah, Rohani (CNB 2012) |
Raja Nor and I (RJ 2012) |
Among others, we sang Cliff Richard's 'Congratulations' -
apt for the celebration of another new year! (CNB 2012) |
2 January 2012
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