Thursday 31 May 2012

Snapshots: Shawls & Scarves

Over the years one will inevitably 'collect' some 'fashion accessories' out of interest, vanity or sheer necessity. Shawls and scarves feature in many a woman's wardrobe. 'Scarves are pieces of material worn for ornament or warmth round the neck or, by women, over the shoulders or hair'.  'A Shawl is large piece of woolen material worn round the shoulders or head of a woman, or wrapped round a baby'. (Both definitions are from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary). Selendang = shawl, or rather selendang = scarf? Okay, enough semantics already, here are some snapshots (and stories) of my collection.

Some woolen shawls bought at Tie Rack, every time I passed through KLIA. Airports are 'cold' right? (Actually this is just an excuse to acquire shawls).

Some more of the same as the above, except the white and the dark pink are the only real 'Pashmina'* in my wardrobe. I also have several cotton shawls/selendang in most colours of the rainbow.

My wedding selendang - white lace. I guess it is an antique piece now! Once a bit of it was dragged through a street in Kota Baru when it got caught in the car door. (I was in KB to attend my brother's wedding). Luckily the selendang survived.

This is a Batak woven cotton shawl bought in Sumatra in 1976, (though M keeps saying it is actually a piece of 'long', or kain basahan the Iranians wear in their public baths. Excuse me, I don't think so!)

A woolen lace shawl I bought in Greece. It has been in storage for a long time but now decorates one of my bedposts because it has proven too 'itchy' to wear over the shoulders! Any remedies for this?

A rather 'loud' Kurdish silk shawl that is so big that I also use it as a tablecloth sometimes! The blue background is electric! I bought it in a street of Kermanshah, Iran from a Kurdish lady.

A Thai tie & dye silk shawl acquired during one of the Conferences attended in Bangkok. The colour is a purple pink with gold motifs.

A very sheer Chinese silk scarf with butterfly motifs. Acquired during a visit to a silk factory/shop in Beijing.

A shawl made of natural pineapple fibre and embroidered with little beads and pearls. My Filipino good friend gave me this, thank you very much. Its an exquisite treasure!

A blue/white batik Habutai silk scarf bought at the Ubud market in Bali. But you can find these aplenty in Malaysia.

A pink/grey cotton & wool shawl, bought in India last year. The motif is traditional paisley and flora.

A Spanish embroidered shawl from Madrid. I received it as a gift from a close family member, terima kasih daun keladi, kalau boleh, bagi lagi! (Bad translation: Thank you Caladium leaf, If can, give more!)

*Pashmina is the cashmere wool of the under-hair of the Himalayan mountain goats native to the Kashmir region.

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