Wednesday 5 June 2013

Foods of our Childhood: Colourful Sugar Bisquits

Sugar bisquits at Rumah Puteh (CNB 2013)
Remember how pretty and deliciously nice these small sugar biscuits used to be when we were little? How we would chomp on the colourful icing sugar on the top first before we get to the 'button' bisquit? How the icing sugar would melt in our mouths? I guess they are not so 'delish' anymore now (that we are watching our waistlines), but they are still such pretty things anyway.

In Malay we call them by many names - biskut gula, biskut gula aising, biskut cotek, biskut butang, biskut warna warni and biskut bunga. One supermarket chain labels these as 'Ice gem bisquits'. Do you call these bisquits by any other names?

Note: Today is World Environment Day, so do not forget to 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' - always, not just today!

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