Sunday 17 November 2013

SA Garden Catalogue: Heliconia 'Golden Torch'

Heliconia 'Golden Torch' (CNB 2013)

There are more than 35 species of Heliconias or Hummingbird flowers, much hybridized and often difficult to distinguish from each other. I have two of the common varieties grown in tropical Asia and the above Heliconia 'Golden Torch' is one of them.

This hybrid of two Heliconias (H. psittacorum and H. spathocircinata) does not look like either parent which sport pink, red, orange and yellow inflorescences. The yellow inflorescences of this 'Golden Torch' are erect, with bracts facing upwards. This plant grows well in partial or full sun. Propagation is by division of the rhizomes. The rhizomes do spread out vigorously, so once you have any Heliconia growing in your garden, they will never leave! In fact, I never purposely grew the two varieties I have, but they 'followed' us from Pulau Pinang ('hiding' in containers of other plants) when we moved here five years ago. But I guess they are here to stay, because after all, the inflorescences are bright and beautiful.

Weather wise, this month of November is mostly rainy and wet. For me, it seems the best time to prune away any overgrown plants or trees. Its like winter is creeping up on us in the garden, heh heh!

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